17 November 2003

The Force is Strong with Me

Which Fantasy/SciFi Character Are You?

Luke Skywalker

Boldly striving to overcome the darkness both in this world and within yourself, you are righteously devoted to forging your own destiny.

“It’s your choice, but I warn you not to underestimate my powers.”

Finally tired of being a woman, (please don’t read into that…) I retook the test, and changed ONE answer that I wavered on the first time, and look who I got…thank the Force I’m no longer a woman! And wow, of all the fantasy characters in the world, I end up first with Leigh, and then with LUKE SKYWALKER…talk about destiny…

Copyright 2019. All rights reserved.

Posted 17 November, 2003 by Luke Beecham in category "Funny", "General


  1. By Josh on

    Congrats Luke,

    I knew you had it in you.

    heads up – Bill Mallonee at the Potter’s cup in Bloomington – Dec. 7th Mark your calenders.


  2. By MommaK on

    For what it’s worth, I scored as Princess Leia too. Luckily, I am not tired of being a woman!

    Peace be to you, Luke….

  3. By JoelThomas on

    About the Bill Mallonee.. Joel Weir (from St. Stephens in C’ville) is opening for him. Just thought I’d let ya know.

  4. By Luke Seraphim on

    I never knew envy until now…awesome! I’ve never heard Joey play. This gets better all the time! See you all there.

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