2 March 2005

In Memoriam: Claude Walker – Memory Eternal!

“With the Saints give rest, O Christ, to the soul of Your servant, Claude, where there is no pain, no sorrow, no sighing, but life everlasting. You alone are immortal, who didst make and mould man. But we mortals were formed from earth, and to the earth we return, as You who created me did command and say to me, “You are earth, and to the earth shall you return,” where all we mortals are going, and for a funeral dirge we make the song: Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!”

“With the spirits of the righteous give rest, O Savior, to the soul of Your departed servant, Claude, and keep him in the blessed life with You, O Lover of mankind. In the place of Your rest, O Lord, where all Your Saints repose give rest also to the soul of Your servant for You alone are the Lover of mankind.”

Lord, let your mercy be upon Pat, Steve, Ryan, Dusty, Chad, Andrew, and all of the Walker family, at the passing of their beloved Husband, Father, Grandfather, and friend, and set your angels around them as they grieve his passing and celebrate his entrance into your heavenly kingdom.

May his memory be Eternal!

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Posted 2 March, 2005 by Luke Beecham in category "General


  1. By Bryan Peter on

    Que su memoria sea eterna.
    Good to see you back…my condolences that it had to be on such a note.

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